Google China

美 [ˈɡuːɡl ˈtʃaɪnə]英 [ˈɡuːɡl ˈtʃaɪnə]
  • 网络谷歌中国
Google ChinaGoogle China
  1. I wish Google China may come back soon .


  2. These experiences have been used in my Google China after the four-year of life is .


  3. Prior to departure storm , let me Google China has a sympathetic feeling .


  4. Google China said the data for its local Google Maps service was acquired from external data providers in accordance with Chinese law .


  5. Speaking through a public relations representative , Google China said yesterday it would not comment on political or censorship issues .


  6. [ First ] because around one-third of Google China ' revenue is from overseas advertising ( non-Chinese language ) .


  7. Lee , founding president of Google China , spearheads the trend of Chinese entrepreneurs wooing learners .


  8. Tom : So Google China employees have an extra holiday for a week . Oh , they are so lucky !


  9. Kai-Fu Lee is the former head of Google China and the founder of Innovation Works , a Chinese incubator and investment firm .


  10. And the former head of Google China said on Quora that Alibaba and Ma aren 't suited to manage Yahoo .


  11. Cui Jin , a spokeswoman for Google China , told Xinhua that Google did not spread such items intentionally .


  12. As soon as the news broke that Lee would be heading Google China , r é sum é s began arriving by the hundreds .


  13. But on the Chinese mainland , it was money and technology that took the honors last year , according to a list released by Google China on Tuesday .


  14. In late September , Google China terminated its contracts with seven companies based near Shanghai that had been selling ads on Google over the past four years .


  15. The debut was the end of a long journey , according to co-founder and Chief Executive Alan Guo , a former Google China executive .


  16. At Google China , where I work , one team worked all night and built a " lost loved one " search to accurately find information about missing people in Sichuan .


  17. " At one time I had the feeling that if we didn 't give them access , there would be a riot ," says Google China manager Ben Luk .


  18. Wallace Cheung , analyst at Credit Suisse , wrote in a research note on Friday : We expect Baidu to benefit from Google China 's departure but not gain the entire market share .


  19. When you compare a62 % market share ( Baidu ) against a20 % market share ( Google China ) you would think that there should be a significant difference in user experience behind those numbers , right ?


  20. One of the Chinese Internet 's most popular microbloggers , former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee , became the perpetrator of one of the country 's most pointed April Fool 's jokes on Monday morning .


  21. With discontent rising across American business , fuelled by incidents such as the Google China censorship spat , Washington is recognising to its intense frustration that it lacks the instruments to conduct international trade policy in a modern economy .


  22. Google needs China , and China needs Google .


  23. Google is China 's No. 2 search engine , with 15 % of the market .


  24. For both Rio and Google , China is too big to ignore .


  25. He left to lead Google 's China operation after being offered a $ 10 million compensation package .


  26. If there is one word to sum up the current situation of Google in China , that word is confusion .


  27. Kai-Fu Lee is the president of Google Greater China , and the author of several best-selling books in Chinese .


  28. Baidu is often referred to as the " Google of China ," referring to its dominance of the search business .


  29. If anything , as with Google in China , it has become a stick with which critics have been able to beat the company .


  30. While it is a monster step for the world 's biggest search engine , it doesn 't mean the end of the world for Google in China .
